Scenarist Closed Captions (SCC) Export Format
InqScribe Supported
Export directly within InqScribe
SCC files provide a textual representation of the Line 21 closed caption format, and may be used to generate closed captions in a variety of applications.
Here's how to export:
- Launch InqScribe and open up your transcript
- Select "File > Export > Scenarist Closed Captions (SCC)..."
- Next, you have the option to specify which CC channel (CC1, CC2, CC3 or CC4) you'd like to generate codes for. Most control codes in SCC have different values depending on their destination channel. If you're unsure of this, just export to CC1.
- You also have the option to define a caption prefix, which is prepended to every entry in the SCC file. For more about how to use prefixes, head over to our InqScribe User Guide.
- Select "Export" to choose your filename and save location.
Original (InqScribe transcript)
[00:00:05.08] InqScribe works on Mac or Windows. [00:00:07.26] And while this demo is on the Mac version, the software is pretty much identical on both platforms. [00:00:12.27] Using Inqscribe couldn't be simpler. [00:00:15.13] Launch the application.
Spruce STL (Exported)
Scenarist_SCC V1.0 00:00:05:08 496e f1d3 e3f2 e962 e520 f7ef f26b 7320 ef6e 20cd 61e3 20ef f220 57e9 6e64 eff7 73ae 00:00:07:26 c16e 6420 f768 e9ec e520 f468 e973 2064 e56d ef20 e973 20ef 6e20 f468 e520 cd61 e320 76e5 f273 e9ef 6e2c 20f4 68e5 2073 efe6 f761 f2e5 20e9 7320 70f2 e5f4 f479 206d 75e3 6820 e964 e56e f4e9 e361 ec20 ef6e 2062 eff4 6820 70ec 61f4 e6ef f26d 73ae 00:00:12:27 d573 e96e 6720 496e f173 e3f2 e962 e520 e3ef 75ec 646e a7f4 2062 e520 73e9 6d70 ece5 f2ae 00:00:15:13 4c61 756e e368 20f4 68e5 2061 7070 ece9 e361 f4e9 ef6e ae80
Click here to download a sample SCC file.
Some tips about the SCC format:
- If you need to decipher InqScribe's SCC codes, head over to the "InqScribe Closed Caption Disassembly Reference" section of our User Guide.
Applications that can read the SCC format:
- YouTube. Upload guide available in our Knowledge Base.
- Note that if you plan to export subtitles for YouTube, we recommend either the SubRip SRT or WebVTT format. Some users have reported issues when attempting to upload SCC files. More on this issue here.
Additional SCC resources and helpful links:
- You can find more information about InqScribe's SCC export support in our InqScribe User Guide.
- The core elements of SCC are described in part 15.119 of Title 47 of the Federal Code of Regulations. You can go to the GPO Access site and browse your way to a downloadable PDF.
- mcpoodle's great site covering SCC and CCD, mcpoodle's human-readable disassembly format. This site covers extensions to SCC that are not covered in the FCR reference.
- The underpinnings of SCC are formalized as EIA-608 or CEA-608. You can also purchase the specification from the CEA. This includes the extended characters and codes not described in the (free) FCR reference.